Articles This is less controversial than it sounds! A while ago, my husband brought up an interesting question: should you love your spouse more than your kids, or vice versa? After a bit of discussion, we agreed – spouses should love each other more...
Articles There are times when it can be a real challenge. Once in a while, one of my kids fall into a funk, a period of negativity and difficult behavior which makes parenting a real challenge. When this happens, not only do I feel sorrow for my child, but I...
Articles I can think of better prefixes for ‘stay-at-home mum’ An article on the Huffington Post yesterday made an excellent point – so many fulltime mothers tend to introduce themselves as “just a stay-at-home mum.” Just. Just. Could there be a...
Articles Woman thinker. Stanley Zimner/Flickr Cartesian-inspired reflections after 16 years as a stay-at-home mom. I’ve had a rather major life change recently. My youngest child has started school. Thus, for the first time in 16-and-a-half years, I do not...
Books Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters – 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know The most important person in a young girl’s life? Her father. Teen health expert Dr. Meg Meeker has the data and clinical experience to prove it. After more than twenty...
Books Back to the Family – Proven Advice on Building a Stronger, Healthier, Happier Family Dr. Guarendi focuses on the day-to-day practices and attitudes that make successful families work. It presents the voices of real people and offers solutions that really...
Books To Be a Father: 200 Promises That Will Transform You, Your Marriage, and Your Family Washington economist and father of eight Stephen Gabriel delivers a short, concise, and concrete book a father can sink his teeth into. He says, “We are meant to tackle...
Books Character Building: A Guide for Parents and Teachers An experienced parent and teacher gives practical direction on how to teach children of all ages the human virtues: generosity, fortitude, optimism, perseverance, orderliness, responsibility, respect for...
Books Upbringing: A Discussion Handbook for Parents of Young Children Jim Stenson says that there’s no magic formula that will turn you into a good parent, but that you can learn from other parents – and avoid many pitfalls by planning ahead for parental challenges...
Books Successful Fathers: The Subtle but Powerful Ways Fathers Mold Their Children’s Characters A treasure trove of gems for all fathers to become better at parenting, to learn the importance of their role in the home and in the formation of their children’s...
It's not about having time. It's about making time. ~ Dr. Meg Meeker
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