Pre-Adolescence Course

Completed in Vancouver via Zoom January 30 – June 5, 2021!

Congratulations all Participants! Another IFFD Course Completed via Zoom during the Pandemic!

Pre-Adolescence Course: 6 General Sessions + 5 Small Group Discussions

Who is this course for?

For parents of children aged 10-13 (or soon to be). This course will provide parents with practical knowledge and skills for enjoying this stage of parenting while raising a happy family. The course is designed for both husband and wife to attend together and participate in each session.

Pre-Adolescence is a course developed by professionals at the International Federation for Family Development (IFFD).  This course is meant to give confidence and practical assistance to parents, who are the first educators of their children.

The pre-adolescence developmental stage is a crucial moment for kids and parents. The kids are in a gap between childhood and adulthood. They are still kids but longing to be grown-up and have freedom. Parents are dealing with the emotions and physical changes in their children that come with puberty. They have a wonderful opportunity to develop and keep a close relationship with their kids that will last through their teen years.

The topics in this course will be discussed using the case-study method (pioneered by the Harvard Business School). This will provide you and your spouse with a practical and objective framework with which to approach a variety of situations you may encounter in family life.

There are 6 General sessions and 5 Small Group study meetings.  Each General Session will have a trained moderator, who has a focus in that particular topic of parenting.

Join us for a fabulous course and an opportunity to network with other parents!

Course Details:

  1. Celebrating Uniqueness: Temperaments
  2. Great Kids Don’t Just Happen: Freedom & Authority
  3. Love & Life: Education in Love
  4. Time to Flourish: Use of Free Time
  5. The Gift of Family Values: The Moral Education of Children
  6. The Great Adventure: Communication in Marriage

Small Group study meetings:

The Small Group study meetings are held prior to the General Sessions with the exception of the first general session. Dates will be determined by hosting team lead couples who will organize the dates/times after the first General Session. These meetings will be virtual meetings until the pandemic protocols allow in person meetings.

For more information about IFFD courses in Canada visit:

For more information about IFFD visit:

Harvard video on “Inside the Case Method”:

Course Feedback

We liked the experience that the speakers brought to the talk. We also liked the positive tone with which issues were handled which in turn gave us hope in our parenting journey.
~ Course Participant