The magic fix for family life: dinner together

The magic fix for family life: dinner together

Articles The magic fix for family life: dinner together BIGSTOCK It’s more than just a nice idea. University research shows that the family that eats together, stays together. Imagine if there was one, simple thing parents could do for their children that would...
Thank You for Joining Us @ The Art of Family Mealtime

Thank You for Joining Us @ The Art of Family Mealtime

Articles Thank You for Joining Us @ The Art of Family Mealtime For Ms. Scholastica Au, a public health nurse and the 1st guest speaker of our Bright and Cheerful Home Seminar on The Art of Family Mealtime, her fond memories about family meals were storytelling. ...

Bright and Cheerful Home Series – the Art of Family Mealtime

DATE: Wednesday November 17, 2021 PLACE: Zoom (details will be sent to registered participants on November 16, 2021) TIME: 7:30-8:30pm PST OUR SPEAKERS: Ida Gazzola is an author and a mother of 7, ages 5 to 19.  Reflecting upon her wealth of experience in raising her...

Bright and Cheerful Home Series – Study Skills

DATE: Saturday November 21, 2020 PLACE: Zoom (details will be sent to registered participants on November 20, 2020) TIME: 2:30-3:30pm PST OUR SPEAKER: Adam Quan is an elementary school teacher with experience teaching Grades 4, 6, and 7. He recently led a course about...

Bright and Cheerful Home Series – Connections before Connection

DATE: Tuesday January 12, 2021 PLACE: Zoom (details will be sent to registered participants on January 11, 2021) TIME: 7-8pm PST OUR SPEAKER: Elie Wehbe is a Senior Security Specialist for the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and the father of a young...
Cut the complaining – and be happy

Cut the complaining – and be happy

 Articles Kindness means thinking of others and acting in ways that contribute to their happiness. Complaining certainly doesn’t do that.  If you’ve been trying to make kindness part of your family culture and there’s still a lot of complaining, it’s time...
What should you do when your child is not kind?

What should you do when your child is not kind?

 Articles Kindness is the virtue of thinking of others—caring about their feelings, needs, and happiness. In a previous post “Raising Kind Kids: 5 Simple Things You Can Do,” I described how to cultivate kindness in everyday family life.  But what should you do...
Kids glued to screens? Teach them the art of conversation

Kids glued to screens? Teach them the art of conversation

 Articles Tired of asking your kids to put down their phones and look at you when you’re talking with them? Guilty of checking your own phone and half-listening when they’re trying to talk to you? Wish your child didn’t always answer “Nothing” when you ask,...