Thank You for Joining Us @ Connections before Connection

At 10pm Toronto time, Mr. Elie Wehbe stayed up to share his insights on how to use the internet securely and maturely at home with our Bright and Cheerful Home Seminar Zoom audience on Tue Jan 12, 2021. As an IT Security Specialist and a lifetime learner, Mr. Wehbe honestly pointed out the risk of technologies and introduced the latest apps/tools that can be easily set up by parents to protect the families. While parents have heard and faced enough problems of social media, Mr. Wehbe shared the importance of developing a mature digital life using the Digital Lifestyle Pyramid, an original guide by Interaxion which advises young people on how much time to devote to various digital and non-digital activities and the dangers that they should be aware of. Mr. Wehbe’s practical advice and proactive approaches towards technologies gave our audience hope and confidence to start anew in a “digital new year” during this pandemic!
One of our attendees, a grandpa-to-be, expressed his gratitude to Mr. Wehbe:
Thank you very much for the talk last night, I really enjoyed it and I could see from the comments it was well received by the participants. We appreciate the effort of staying late for us!
Thank you for joining us @ Connections before Connection, we look forward to seeing you at our Pre-Adolescence course or future Bright and Cheerful Home Seminars!
Below please find the resource guide based on Mr. Wehbe’s presentation for your reference: